Entanglement is probably one of the most fascinating aspects of quantum mechanics. Two quantum particles, such as photons for example can be linked in such a way that they are two parts of the same entity, even if the two particles are extremely far from each other. In other words, if a change is observed in one of the two particles, it is instantly reflected in the other (this implies faster-than-light speed; Einstein thought this would prove quantum mechanics incorrect).
A few days ago, S. Jay Olson and Timothy C. Ralph of Australia’s University of Queensland described how entanglement could also bind particles across time.
Quantum entanglement has a few applications, like superdense coding or quantum teleportation (this is not “real” teleportation – here, the quantum system is not transported, only quantum information is transferred), as well as quantum computers. Entanglement allows to send information instantly through space; in the case of timelike entanglement, the quantum information could be sent to the future instantly, without traversing the middle time (you could call this “teleportation in time”).
If timelike entanglement can be tested and verified, this could help process information in quantum computers, and test our understanding of the Universe.